Posted by Picasso on Thursday, November 15, 2007 at 11:59 AM |Permalink
This is a shoot i took in one of the main squares of my city – Lisbon. It’s at the entrance of a church, the dogs belong to some beggar and in the upper left corner of the pick you can see another one. He’s got a particularly ugly sore in his leg, although he is still a young man. Unfortunately in Lisbon beggars are common place, namely in the more visited locations of the city. When they can manage to walk, they go around harassing people with requests for money, when they don’t they just sit there, exhibiting their sores and other diseases, asking for charity from passers by. I wonder what image foreigners visiting our city take with them when they go back home – Surely, the city has beautiful sites and beautiful people too, but it also has horrible things like this one
This is a shoot i took in one of the main squares of my city – Lisbon. It’s at the entrance of a church, the dogs belong to some beggar and in the upper left corner of the pick you can see another one. He’s got a particularly ugly sore in his leg, although he is still a young man. Unfortunately in Lisbon beggars are common place, namely in the more visited locations of the city. When they can manage to walk, they go around harassing people with requests for money, when they don’t they just sit there, exhibiting their sores and other diseases, asking for charity from passers by. I wonder what image foreigners visiting our city take with them when they go back home – Surely, the city has beautiful sites and beautiful people too, but it also has horrible things like this one
Posted by Picasso | 1:32 PM