Posted by Picasso on Tuesday, October 16, 2007 at 4:46 PM |Permalink
This here is a shot i took at Mr Promenade du Feu (fellow collaborator of Shoot to kill) using one of his cameras, an Olympus. It's a film cam, the negative was digitalized using a scanner and then i added some Photoshop work (levels and unsharp mask). In the debate film/digital, for me this shot "proves" that film is still the best option (the shot was taken indoors in a close up, and no way my digital cam would give me such a high definition result). Too bad that film is such a cost/ineffective option (or too bad i have so little money, 'cause otherwise i'd dump my Fujifinepix S5600 and get back to work with my old Yashica SLR film cam.) What do you think?
This here is a shot i took at Mr Promenade du Feu (fellow collaborator of Shoot to kill) using one of his cameras, an Olympus. It's a film cam, the negative was digitalized using a scanner and then i added some Photoshop work (levels and unsharp mask). In the debate film/digital, for me this shot "proves" that film is still the best option (the shot was taken indoors in a close up, and no way my digital cam would give me such a high definition result). Too bad that film is such a cost/ineffective option (or too bad i have so little money, 'cause otherwise i'd dump my Fujifinepix S5600 and get back to work with my old Yashica SLR film cam.) What do you think?
Posted by Picasso | 4:49 PM